Saturday, April 4, 2020


The Prime Minister gave a speech and further instructions last night. The country is locked down from 8pm Friday to 5am Monday morning. No leaving to go anywhere, period! We are very happy to be anchored here at Staniel Cay and have all our provisions that we need. We are healthy and we plan to keep it that way. We are enjoying ourselves in these lovely blue waters!

These two birds love our dinghy. We had to finally keep hosing them off. They just wouldn't leave!

The nurse sharks love the noise of our generator or the hum of the water maker. This one last night was at the surface when usually they hover near the bottom. It being so clear and calm I took some video too. These sharks are harmless.

The above is just one section of the new mural they have painted on the beach at Staniel Cay. They have about six pigs painted on it with their names. The swimming pigs are a major tourist attraction here, but not right now. It is extremely quiet, locals come and feed these pigs but I bet they are lonely?

I collected about 20 or 30 sand dollars at Musha Cay and decided to paint some. 

Love these custom made masks that Barb on Blue Horizon made for us!

What are our plans? Plans are like writing them in the sand and the tide comes in and wipes them away. We just take it day by day and enjoy ourselves. Our journey continues.

Please read post 2020 Time Line for more updates

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