Saturday, March 20, 2021


 Near Staniel Cay is Sampson Cay which we dinghy over however, Pipe Creek we prefer to take Time Out there and then our dinghy ride around that area is shorter. We also dinghy over to Compass Cay Marina and look at the mega yachts that are tied up to the docks.

Last May 2020 Pipe Creek was deserted because of CoVid. This year back to "normal" with a few boats and people around. 

There were some children in another small boat that seemed bored and were arguing amongst themselves. I found (actually almost stepped on) a unique starfish. They had never held one so I showed them how to hold one. I explained at low tide they can live out of the water for a couple of hours. They were fascinated with this starfish.

We went into Compass Cay and this young turtle did not have a care in the world about us getting nearer and nearer. I believe it was so used to boats and dinghies everywhere. It was used to the engine sounds, swimmers and paddle boarders.

We provision in the United States but we do need produce once in a while including eggs. We went into Staniel Cay to the Blue Store and the Pink Pearl to get what we needed. Here is a copy of the receipts if interested in prices of what we paid. I don't even ask what the price is as we are buying it anyway! Yes.... that was $16 for the cabbage.

There are good ships, and there are wood ships, the ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships are Friendships and many they always be.

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