Drove down to Stuart, Florida where our boat is "on the hard" for hurricane season. It is super hot, sticky and humid down here but we are ready and raring to get to work. We booked an Airbnb for the first time, we have a living room and kitchen to cook in. Hotel rooms are fine for a very short time.
See the view from our bow! That is what I saw this morning as I hosed off the bird sxxx and the fall out from the sky. Paul was busy down in the engine room where every good captain goes to get things ready for launching. Paul built at home, a battery box that he was anxious to see down below. Of course getting it down below was a feat itself. That is another story.
Yep, got it down into the engine room but wants to move it back further. And it does get moved back further.
I did not take a picture to show Paul's derriere, I am showing you the heavy batteries on the floor that Paul had to move there. 70lbs each and there were 8..... muscle man!
All connected and up and running. Yes, all batteries had to be lifted and placed in again. Paul has great arms, but dripping sweat everywhere. The engine room as no air movement.
We have other projects on the go in the boatyard. Slow going as it is very hot.
Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
- Henry Ford